Name: Ajit Christopher D’Monte
Resume: Download
Birth Year: 1994
I started making web apps and games with my brother at very young age (around 5 years) initially contributing in QA, design and art. Later on (around 15) I would begin to write my own code when our family got a second computer.
Highlights: –
I love Open-Source software and have created 2 addons for Blender for shape key transfer and facilitating weight transfer between meshes.
My open source contributions to UE4 community include a plugin for animation mirroring and several tutorial projects.
I am currently working on a open source character creation work-flow for making humanoid characters for Unreal Engine using ManuelBastioniLab for Blender. It will cover several aspects of character creation and includes a custom Lip Sync Editor for in engine audio syncing with face animations.
You can find all these projects on my GitHub page.
I am an Unreal Engine Marketplace Creator.
Current Showreel: YouTube
Skills: –
Programming languages/Scripts: C, C++, C#, Processing, Python, Unreal Blueprints and JavaScript.
Platforms familiar with: Windows, GNU/LINUX, Ubuntu Server, Windows Server, AWS.
Database: Oracle, MongoDB, Redis
3D / Computer Vision / Machine Learning ToolKits: Unity, Unreal Engine, Three.js, OpenCV, Dlib, NumPy, Pandas, SciKit
Experience: –
I am currently offering consultation for computer graphics, e-learning and visualization projects based on UE4 and Unity with my brother. I also make WordPress websites for people. (Showreel 2017 – Present).
I contracted for OneCipher (Vroom) working on back-end for their internal processes and API for their service. (Jun – Dec 2016)
I have made several games for browser, mobile and pc working with my brother and friends (like Romey). I will link some of the games I am working on currently and have completed.
SIMPLE (UE4) WebSite Video (WIP)
Punch the Monkey (Air SDK) – Android iOS Video
Tiny Strike (Flash – AS3) (Defunct) Video
I interned at Trakomatic Pte. Ltd. Singapore, (September 2015 to January 2016) where my roles also included: IT Admin, R&D Assistant and Project Management. I prepared datasets for Racial Profiling, Age and Gender Recognition which were used to train ML models.
Education: –
I received my Bachelors in Computer Science Engineering from Anna University in 2016 studying at Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai (Affiliated to Anna University) (GPA 7.63)
I completed Higher Secondary and High School at Don Bosco MHSS, Egmore Chennai in 2012
Academic Projects: –
These are some of the academic projects I worked on in University:
Wrapper for Real-time Web Based Node.JS Applications using Node.JS with client management, client-server and P2P communication as Final Year Thesis Project. (2016)
Exam management system using Node.JS and MongoDB for the Examination Cell of Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology. (2015)
Video chat web app using web sockets and Three.js for Computer Networks Course. (2015)
3D DemoScene created using Three.js – WebGL Framework for Computer Graphics course which highlights interesting video graphics and audio synchronisation in JavaScript (2015).
Real-time Sound Visualizer and Lighting System (Java) which captures the music/video played on a computer and produces amazing lighting effects according to rhythm/picture present. The system communicates with Arduino board driving lights. This was for Digital Principles and System Design course. (2013)